Understanding the role of marketing in business

Dilip Kansara
6 min readAug 16, 2020

Do you think marketing is not an essential part of a business?

Marketing is just the expense for business?

Then you are wrong.

Marketing is one of the most important parts of the business and its investment in the business.

Do you think Why?

Then this article is for you.

Let’s learn about it.

In this article, you are going to learn about

  • Fundamentals of marketing
  • Traditional marketing VS. Digital marketing
  • Marketing Funnel
  • Integrated digital marketing
  • Personal Branding

Fundamentals of marketing

Marketing starts before creating products in the form of research, finding the right customer segment, understanding their actual needs or solving their problems lead to the creation of the best product which fits customers need like MI phone, WhatsApp.

MI phone entered in India when people were most interested in the smartphone but at a lower price and good features. That was the right time for MI phone to sell their budget smartphone to the right people. So marketing helps to target the right customer with the right message at the right time.

Marketing just not help to sell products but it also helps to capture the position in the mind of the customer with the help of the right message. It helps to create the perception of your product or brand in the customer’s mind.

Marketing is a game of perception so it can not be done by nay bot, the human is needed to do it. So invest your time and energy to learn and master marketing.

Marketing is the last and most valuable investment into a company or product which leads to direct generation of sales or ROI. Other investments like logistic, product development alone can not generate sales or ROI.

Traditional marketing vs Digital marketing

Do know what is traditional marketing and digital marketing?

They both are just a channel of marketing. There are many channels or type of marketing.

Let’s understand both digital and traditional marketing in deep.

TV ads, Newspaper ads, Radio ads etc. are the traditional channel of marketing called Traditional marketing.

Marketing using digital channels like website, social media or any online platform is called Digital marketing.

Both marketing channels have their own importance, for a generic product like Hair oil, shampoo, toothpaste etc. traditional marketing suits very well, as using this channel a large number of people can be targeted.

Whereas in Digital marketing we can target People, speaking a specific language and based on their interest or behaviour, also we can target based on keywords search by the user.

Digital marketing allows us to send a customised message to the target audience. It can be done with a small budget on a daily basis.

The best advantage of this digital marketing is that it provides analytics, so we can measure our ad performance on a daily basis.

Marketing Funnel

First, let’s understand what is a marketing funnel?

Marketing Funnel is a visualisation of a journey of a customer from the awareness stage to becoming a customer of you or product.

Let’s understand one of the best marketing funnel created by Digital Deepak. Its called “CATT marketing funnel”.

Where C=Content, A=Attention, T=Trust and T=Transaction

Now you know what is marketing funnel, best marketing funnel.

But you may have a question in your mind

How does it work?

How to implement it?

How a funnel will help me create wealth?

Don’t worry I have a solution for this.

Here’s your answer for all the above question I just one formula.


Here W=Wealth, n=Niche, C=Content, A=Attention, T=Trust and T=Transaction

Niche(n): First you have to select your niche, bigger niche bigger money but there will be also bigger competition, so for lower your competition you can go for micro-niche. Your wealth and success depend on the niche which you choose.

Content(C): Create content for a selected niche, it will help you to educate your audience. It can be post, Webinar or Video.

Attention(A): Get the attention of your audience by organic traffic or paid traffic. It will help to create your audience or subscriber.

Trust(T): Building trust is the most important part of the funnel, you can do it using a tripwire, Marketing automation and retargeting.

Transaction(T): Transaction is the last stage of the funnel i.e. converting your audience or subscriber to customer.

I hope I have answered all question.

There is one very effective way to execute a CATT marketing funnel call “Integrated marketing framework”.

Let’s learn and understand integrated marketing framework

Integrated marketing

Word “Integrated” itself means working together. In integrated marketing funnel, all digital marketing platform works together as shown in the picture below.

In integrated marketing SEO, Social Media, Paid Advertising, Email marketing all works together around your content to get attention, build trust and finally to get transition i.e. converting your lead or subscriber to your customer.

Now you will have a question how it will work?

Let's understand with an example.

Its start with content, it can be a blog post, video. With the help of SEO, you can generate organic traffic to your content. But it takes time to rank in google and generate organic traffic, so we have to take help of paid advertising to get instant traffic.

Collect contact details of visitors like a name and email address. Share your content on social media to engage with your audience. Generate more traffic using social media. It will also help search engine that your content is valuable and will start ranking. Build trust with your audience by sending (retargeting) more valuable content on email as well as sharing on social media. This process will lead to generating sales for your product ie converting a lead to your customer.

Personal Branding

Personal branding is to build a brand with your name.

People want to hear from people and not from logo or brand. It helps to build trust faster than any brand.

With the help of a personal brand, you can build many brands from your influence. Which can be sold in future if you want.

Now you may have one more question, how to build a personal brand?

Hers is the answer, with the help of blueprint call “MassTrust Blueprint” developed by Digital Deepak.

Let's understand it

Learn: Keep learning new skills through concepts, fact

Work: Practice and implement learned skills to understand it in deep.

Blog: Write about what you have learned from practice and share your experience gain through your work

Consult: Start with one on one consulting and help others to grow their business.

Mentor: Mentor others who want to become like you or want to learn from you. It will scale your understanding to a new level

Startup: Build a startup with your personal brand. A personal brand will be very helpful to build trust with your customer and will generate skyrocket sale of your product.


Marketing is an investment and not an expense for the company. Everyone need to do marketing for their product.

So, Marketing is not Going to be outdated. Learned and Master it, your career will be safe.

